How does Fit Predictor calculate fit predictions?

Fit Predictor calculates fit predictions based on a shopper's previous purchases and returns and combines this with the personal fit preferences of like-minded shoppers to determine the size that's right for a shopper across different brands and categories as she shops.

Does Fit Predictor always give a shopper the same size recommendation for each item ?

No, Fit Predictor knows that sizing varies from one item to another including within a single designer's products. This means that for each individual product a shopper browses, the fit prediction is recalculated based on the designers in her fit profile and is personalized specifically to that product for her.

How can a shopper add more items to their fit profile ?

When a shopper makes a purchase, those items will automatically be added to their Fit Profile.

How can a shopper remove items from their fit profile ?

In their Fit Profile screen, a shopper can remove items by clicking the 'X' located to the left of a previously purchased item. Items the shopper has returned are handled as a "negative signal" by the algorithm for her fit prediction but are not displayed to her in her fit profile.

Does a shopper need a fit profile in order to see a size recommendation ?

Yes, a fit profile enables Fit Predictor to understand what items fit a shopper well to calculate their best fitting size.

A shopper received size recommendations for tops, but not for bottoms, why ?

A shopper needs a separate fit profile for each of the categories they shop.

The shopper already knows their size for this designer/garment, but Fit Predictor is telling them to buy a different size. What should they do ?

Fit Predictor is here to help but we recommend the shopper buys the size with which they are most comfortable.

The shopper purchased the Fit Predictor recommended size, and but doesn't like how their item fits - what should they do ?

Fit Predictor looks at past purchases that fit the shopper well and combines them with preferences from other similar shoppers. These help Fit Predictor understand how a shopper likes to wear their clothes and shoes (loose, fitted, etc.) to calculate their best size across and within brands.

However, if they find they do not like the recommended fit please visit our feedback form to help us understand why they didn't like the fit. To give feedback, simply click the Question Mark icon in the bottom left Fit Predictor screen and submit the issue in the Feedback form, including a detailed description. Our team will investigate and work to fix this issue.

The shopper sees items in their fit profile which they don't agree with. What should I do ?

To give feedback about their fit profile, the shopper can simply click the Question Mark icon in the bottom left of the Fit Predictor overlay and submit their issue in the Feedback form. Please include a detailed description. The Fit Predictor team will investigate and work to fix.

What does it mean if the recommended size is unavailable ?

The size is either sold out or not available as an option to purchase.

How are the brands determined in the drop down menu ?

Fit Predictor uses brands who are both relevant to the product you are viewing and whose sizes are highly consistent to provide a reliable basis for your size recommendations.

What about shopper privacy ?

Fit Predictor is anonymous. The information in a shopper's fit profile is not personally identifiable and Fit Predictor does not have access to a shopper's email address, credit card number, or mailing address. For more information, please see Fit Predictor's Privacy Policy by clicking on the Question Mark icon in the bottom left of the Fit Predictor screen.